Here's the latest LIST I've set up to keep track of who got what when. (update 9/70/11)

The "wood rcv'd" column indicates that you e-mailed me that you'd gotten your wood. If you got your wood and didn't e-mail me that you got it -PLEASE DO. If you HAVEN'T received your wood - let me know by e-mail. At least five people haven't gotten their wood that I know of -two due to mailing address problems, one who dropped out but I persuaded to drop back in, one late comer and one Invited Guest Participant.

The "Check Date" and "PayPal Date" indicate who has reimbursed my shipping cost. If you've sent a check or paid with PayPal but the table doesn't show that - please e-mail me

The "Mailing List Confirmed" column indicates that you a) received my second attempt at my mailing list to participants and b) confirmed that you did by replying to that message. If you DID get that e-mail, PLEASE confirm that you got it by e-mialing me that you did, preferably as a "reply" from the original message. I'm trying to get an e-mail list of participants together -that works - so I can keep everyone up to date on where this Pay It Foreward Project is every week or so.

List 8/24/2011
Box wood
Box wood
No. Name rcv'd date Date No. Name rcv'd date Date
14 Adrian Dumitrescu 32 Jim Swank 12-Aug 17-Aug
44 Anfi Wolfe 17 Joe Bradshaw 17-Aug
23 Barbara Dill 14-Aug 46 Joe Dickason
16 bernie feinerman 12-Aug 16-Aug 41 John Altberg 22-Aug
6a Bill Blasic 13-Aug 20-Aug 1 John Veerkamp 20-Aug
5 Bill Noce 12-Aug 18-Aug 42 Jorge Castaneda 20-Aug
27 Bill Turpin 17-Aug 47 Keith Tompkins
36 Bob Verne 14-Aug 15 keith zimmerman 11-Aug 14-Aug
2 Carol Reed 16-Aug 43 Mark Mandell 12-Aug 20-Aug
40 Chuck Jones 15-Aug 7 Matt Overton
33 Clifton Chisum 1-Sept 35 Mike Foyde 16-Aug
34 David DeCristoforo 45 Molly Winton 26-Aug
11 dick gerard 13-Aug 14-Aug 9 Ralph E Watts
8 Dick Strauss 20 Randy Gleckler 15-Aug 26-Aug
3 Don Leydens 12-Aaug 22-Aug 28 Ray Thompson 20-Aug
10 Don Orr 12-Aug 20-Aug 39 Ricc Havens
26 Donna Banfield 12-Aug 20-Aug 29 Richard Egan 20-Aug
24 Doug Trembath 12-Aug 17-Aug 18 Rob Wallace 18-Aug
25 Ellis Walentine 12-Aug 18-Aug 4 Royce Wallace 17-Aug 18-Aug
31b Gary Guenther 13-Aug 20-Aug 6b Starry Chan
12 George Guadiane 12-Aug 18-Aug 19 steven antonucci 12-Aug
13 greg haugen 37 Terry Quiram 17-Aug
31a Jake Niedling 12-Aug 26-Aug 30 Tim Aley 20-Aug
21 Jason Silva 22 Tony Wheeler
38 Jerry Louden 18-Aug

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