Dreamweaver Final Project Requirements

This page must be linked both from and to your zzz.html home page. EACH COMPETENCY must be linked to at least one place in your final project that shows the successful demonstration of this requirement. Use an anchor link to the demonstration destination AND modify this page to have a text description in the required competency column explaining where and how you've demonstrated this competency.


Name of Designer: __Susan van Wambeck __________________________________________________
  Required Competency Details of How/Where the Competency is Used

Consistency of design elements, theme, color, energy, iconography, content, etc. Your final will be one cohesive professional site. It will NOT be linked pages of homework assignments demonstrating use of these competencies. You are learning to create and manage a WEBSITE, not just making .html files that link to other .html files.

Generally, limit use of fonts to 3 font faces.

See site - all related to Piccadilly Circus people and places. Consistent Nav bar, color types, photos.
Consistent and intuitive of navigation throughout the site. Repeated nav bar.
Link all pages to an external style sheet and upload to the same directory as your final and name it:
or whatever our UNIX account course ID is for this quarter
A minimum of six pages, each with unique content (at least three paragraphs per page) AND page titles assigned to each page. All pages much have meaning to the site and not just be a demonstration of a required competency. Well over 6 pages with unique content and page titles.
META description and keyword tags in heads of every page. See source of zzz
Named anchors:
A- include an anchor from a link on a page to anchors within the site on other pages AND
B- include an anchor from a link on a page to another location within that same page.

A. Johnny's Page

B. Matilda

Email links that open an email client like outlook or eudora, etc. 1. 2. 3.
3 related external links targetted to open a new browser window. - related means related to the content of your site, not just links to search engines, etc. Tom Waits
9 Inch Nails
At least one ordered, unordered or definition list. List of traits.
At least one DW formatted table using a modified DW Table Format Command from the Commands Menu - Format Table... feature. Table

Use at least one functioning form for ordering, contact info, feedback, etc. that will be sent to your email address. Be sure to use the form action, name, and method in your form tag. method="post", action="you@youremail.com", etc.

Include all these form elements in the form: textbox, textarea, radio button sets, checkbox sets, menulist, submit and clear buttons. Have your classmate buddy submit the form to you to verify that it works. The form must function and send the data to your email address. Be certain it works before uploading to me. Do NOT put a jump menu on the same page as another form.


Use several Dreamweaver flash buttons OR flash text.

Flash text 1. 2.
Behavior 1: An example of layers with invisible and visible properties (show/hide) properties. Make it a cohesive part of your site that makes logical sense, NOT just an example to fulfill the competency. Describe in detail what you are doing with the layers.  It's often NOT obvious to me when I review your projects. Beach page - mouseover thumbnails reveals large image.
Behavior 2: Image rollover Image rollovers - Places
Behavior 3: one pop-up window fixed width 600 pixels, with no toolbar, no menu, no scroll - see Homework for Lesson 11 (this is NOT the same as a javascript alert box). Use the onClick event handler NOT the rollOver handler. skip
Behavior 4: At least 1 jump menu that is NOT on the same page as another form. Interesting People
Behavior 5: Forms Validation on your form.  
An image map created in Dreamweaver with functioning links and obviously defined hotspots. Make it an integral part of your design rather than just submitting an unrelated image map to fulfill the competency. 5 kids - touch their noses
Your final project should be in a directory called final in your public_html unix web space. Please create that directory if it doesn't exist. Call the entry html file within the final directory: zzz.html. This will be your homepage.

Your link to your final will be similar to: http://krypton.fhda.edu/cast074.04w/yourname/public_html/final/zzz.html. The course ID number changes each session and yours will be similar to coin074.04w.

Points will be deducted if your file is not placed in the required directory or named correctly. You will not get credit if you do not use these two folders or if your link to Etudes submission brings up a 404 error.


REQUIREMENTS.HTML***Link to a page that lists all the above competencies you used with anchor links to each illustration of the requirement. Copy this list of requirements into a file called requirements.html and link each requirement on the list to the places in your website that illustrate your use of the requirement. Name this page requirements.html. Title this page Requirements.


Identify the buddies who participated in your final project code review

  1. Code Reviewer _____Jason Giles_________________
  2. Code Reviewer ______Helen Conroe________________
BROKEN LINKS: Check all your links before submitting your final. Use DW Link Checker. No broken links please! Have a classmate or colleague review your code from a computer other than yours to be certain there are no broken links or images.  

BROKEN IMAGES: Check all your images. Have a classmate or colleague check your site from their on-line and connected computer to ensure all images show. Often images are stored in your computer's cache and will show in your browser even if they are no longer properly linked. By uploading and viewing on another computer, you can check to be certain all links and images are working. Do not submit a final that has any broken images or other objects.

Includes all behaviors  
DEDUCTED POINTS for broken links or images, late submissions, not following directions  
Extra points forum participation, extra credit assignments, etc.  
TOTAL POINTS for Final Project
